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Health Privacy Summit 2011: 1st International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy

Getting IT Right: Protecting Patient Privacy Rights in a Wired World


The 1st International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy, Getting IT Right: Protecting Patient Privacy Rights in a Wired World, was designed to cultivate debate and interaction among diverse participants by focusing on real world health privacy cases. Panelists discussed strategies for delivering responsible, realistic privacy solutions for America’s next generation health care system. Experts from law, academia and research, consumer and privacy advocacy organizations, health professions, providers and health plans, and the health IT industry worked together to define the content and format of the Summit. Participants also discussed next steps, including developing an interdisciplinary research agenda, identifying principles and best practices for policymakers and industry; launching working groups to tackle specific and contentious issues and planning a high level political summit on Health Privacy.


The United States is creating a new health information technology (HIT) infrastructure to facilitate the transfer of personal health information; but it also makes possible secondary uses, aggregation, collection and analysis. Designed well, health information exchange could lead to a more efficient, safe and effective health care system and impasse-breaking research leading to new treatments. However, without proper protections built into its foundation, the new HIT system could compromise the fundamental rights of citizens to protect and control sensitive personal health information, leading to distrust of the healthcare system and erosion of the patient-physician relationship. The stakes are high; this is not just about the future of healthcare and its reform, but whether individuals will be afforded proper and reasonable rights to control and share personal information in the digital age.

Summit Materials

Full Program including agenda, speakers and sponsors



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2011 Health Privacy Summit Videos

Welcome and Introduction

Session 1: Alan Westin: How the American Public Views Patient Privacy and Health Technology Systems: What Ten Years of Surveys Tell Us

Session 2: Moderated by Anita Allen: Contrasting Beliefs about Privacy Protection in the Digital Era

Session 3: Case Studies: Finding SOlutions for Three Urgent Privacy Issues:

1. Moderated by Carl Gunter: Consent and Segmentation of Data

2. Moderated by Barry Chaiken: Control of Patient Data—Health Information Exchanges

3. Moderated by William M. Sage: Secondary Uses of Personal Health Information in Health Databases—Implications of Sorrell vs. IMS Health

What do Research and History Tell Us About Privacy Today?: A Conversation with Alan Westin

Session 4 Keynote: Joy Pritts: Putting the “I” in Health IT Privacy and Security: How Consumers Can be Part of the Policy-Making Process

Session 5: Moderated by David W. Hilgers: Looking Ahead: The 2012 Health Priavcy Awards