Patient Privacy Rights seeks sponsors to support the 4th International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy on June 4 – 5, 2014.
The Health Privacy Summits offer an unparalleled opportunity to build relationships with more than 250 of the key individuals and organizations implementing the new health information technology systems. Sponsors will be able to raise their profiles at the event through branding that targets patients, consumers, health care providers, industry and technology partners, as well as federal and state government organizations. The Summit reaches a national and global audience via live-streaming and the session videos will be archived on the Summit website.
This page provides the Summit Sponsor levels, as well as opportunities to support specific Summit events and materials.
We welcome you, look forward to seeing you in Washington in June, and thank you very much for your generous support!
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Cory Laurel or Atalie Nitibhon at: or 512.732.0033.
Patient Privacy Rights is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsor
Sponsorship level is $100,000 (one maximum):
- Named principal sponsor of the Health Privacy Summit.
- High-level profile and recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for ten representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Platinum Sponsor
Sponsorship level is $50,000 (two maximum):
- High-level profile and recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to five representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Gold Sponsor
Sponsorship level is $25,000 (four maximum):
- High-level profile and recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to three representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Silver Sponsor
Sponsorship level is $10,000 (unlimited):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to two representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Bronze Sponsor
Sponsorship level is $5,000 (unlimited):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to one representative.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Friends of the Summit
We welcome donations of any amount in support of the Health Privacy Summit. “Friends of the Summit” will be recognized on the Summit website and printed materials.
Academic Partners
The Health Privacy Summit is a great opportunity for Academic Institutions to support public service, education, and research on critical issues related to health privacy. We welcome donations of any amount from Academic Institutions in support of the Health Privacy Summit. “Academic Partners” will be recognized on the Summit website and printed materials.
Summit Events and Materials Sponsorship
Named Sponsor of the Celebration of Privacy
Sponsorship level is $15,000 (one maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to two representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Closing Keynote Luncheon
Sponsorship level is $15,000 (one maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to two representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Pre-Summit VIP Reception
Sponsorship level is $10,000 (one maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to two representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Georgetown Law Center Lunch
Sponsorship level is $10,000 (one maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to two representatives.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Summit Breakfast
Sponsorship level is $5,000 (two maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Summit passes with reserved seating for up to one representative.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Summit Coffee Break
Sponsorship level is $3,000 (three maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Summit Bags
Sponsorship level is $5,000 (one maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Sponsor name and logo on bag.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.
Named Sponsor of the Summit Lanyards – Sponsored! Thank you.
Sponsorship level is $3,000 (one maximum):
- Recognition throughout the Summit, website materials, and in all related marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Sponsor name and logo on lanyard.
- Approved material may be placed on distribution table at conference.