How to Talk to the Folks you Vote For (or Against)


Studies show most people believe we should control our own health records, unfortunately most people are unaware that we’ve already lost control. Patient Privacy Rights recommends the following steps to get your voice heard.  Become an advocate!


Has Your Privacy Been Violated?


Call, Write or Visit Your Elected Officials in Congress.

Communicating with your Senators and State Representatives is a great way to advocate on behalf of health privacy.  As their constituent you can have a very powerful voice and give Congress the human side of the issue.

It is very difficult to violate HIPAA, as the Privacy Rule is incredibly broad and allows nearly unfettered access to our most personal health information.  It is up to Congress to close the loopholes in HIPAA and ensure our right to health privacy is protected.


To make things easier Patient Privacy Rights has written some talking points that you can use. Written to give a brief overview of the important health privacy issues facing consumers, these talking points are great to use with your doctor, friends or family as well.

Find out how to contact your Elected Officials.

Are you willing to tell others?

If you feel compelled to do more, please share your story with us.  We can work with you to consider if talking to the press would be a more positive and proactive step.

Share Your Story here.


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