
African American Republican Leadership Council Let Freedom Ring
American Association of People with Disabilities Liberty Coalition
American Association of Physicians and Surgeons National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
American Association of Practicing Psychiatrists National Center for Transgender Equality
American Civil Liberties Union National Federation of American Hungarians
American Coalition for Fathers & Children National Health Law Program
American Conservative Union Newsbull – America’s Family Blog Forum Network
American Values Pain Relief Network
Asian American Justice Center Population Research Institute
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Privacy Activism
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
California Consumer Health Care Council Privacy Rights Now
California Medical Association Private Citizen
Christian Coalition of America Republican Liberty Caucus
Common Cause Right March
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility State Sen. Karen Johnson (R, Arizona)
Consumer Action Texas Public Interest Research Group
Electronic Privacy Information Center The Multiracial Activist
Fairfax County Privacy Council Thoughtful House Center for Autism
Family Research Council U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation
Foundation of Owner Operators Independent Drivers Assoc. U.S. Public Interest Research Group
Free Congress Foundation U.S. Public Policy Committee – Association for Computing Machinery
Just Health (California Consumer Health Care Council)


Read the Coalition’s October 2007 Letter to Congress Demanding Consumers Control Access to their Personal Health Records

Read the Coalition’s 6/15/06 letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee asking them to support Rep. Markey’s privacy amendments.

Read the Coalition’s 6/15/06 letter to the House Ways & Means Committee asking them to support Rep. Doggett’s & Emmanuel’s privacy amendments.

Read the Coalition’s 5/24/06 letter to Rep. Nancy Johnson and Rep. Nathan Deal asking them to add privacy protections into their health information technology bills.

Read the first Coalition letter to Congress on 4/5/06 asking chairs of the governing committees to add privacy protections into health information technology bills.

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